Lethbridge Symphony Association

The Lethbridge Symphony Association is the body that makes the Lethbridge Symphony Orchestra possible. Governed by the province of Alberta’s Societies Act, the Association has an active membership, from which we draw the board of directors. Each September, the Association holds an Annual General Meeting to discuss the preceding season’s business and progress, and to inform the membership about plans and priorities for the upcoming season.

The Association employs the music director, the members of Musaeus (the resident professional string quartet), the orchestra personnel manager and orchestra librarian, as well as the executive director, finance manager, and operations coordinator, all of whom work together to bring beautiful music to our community.

Board of Directors

President – Ron Garnett

Vice President – Christopher Burton

Secretary – Cathie Martin-Weersink

Treasurer – Doug Emek

Orchestra Rep – Timothy Janzen

Past President – Aaron Bellamy

Director – Ken Lewis

Director – Gregory Knight

Director - Eric Guilbert

Director - Edith Olson

Director - Jennifer Little

Director - Rolf Boon
